Leading the Pledge was
Harvey Newcomb III,
Rotary Club of
Evanston Lighthouse, IL and
Director of Principal Gifts, The Rotary Foundation. 
We exchanged Club banners!
Basil Emery knocked out an Invocation for the ages.
Leadership by example!
Guests of the Club:
Alex (middle) showing off son and future Rotarian Miles Kent (right) with Charlie “King Kahuna” Rosebrook (left).
Reagan Lee, Rotary Club of S.F. Chinatown, and Harvey Newcomb told
Bob Doerr they like the energy of our Club.  They didn’t know our
President’s bicycling nickname is “Magnet!”
New Round Badger!
After months of perfect attendance, Jeanne Berube received
the “Gift of Friendship” - her “Round Badge” from Pres. P.
Club Treasurer Mike Heffernan presented the Rotary Top 10 List
10 things only 2 Club members wanted to know about Club Finances
and the rest of us really enjoyed consuming a lot of pie (charts).
We’re good and balanced!
Derby Style!
"Club Disassembly"
presented by
Pres. B.J. Parker, Esq.
Next Program - July 27, 2015:
Scholarship Recipients Interviewed – Live!
Hosted by Mike Heffernan and Jennifer Pence