Newscast:    Newscast Fearless Leader Who Must Be Obeyed And Treated As Infallible Fritz Brauner took the stage and rocked the place.   He made New Year’s resolutions for others.  For instance, Dennis Zell will no longer tell baseball jokes.   Fritz, meanwhile, is going to start taking performance enhancing drugs.   Fritz announced that this year Burlingame Rotary Will Not Go Hollywood.    A lot of work is not going into this event.  Flu jokes were told…bacon jokes were told…a grand time was had by everyone named Mike Kimball.  
Program and Speaker:  Mike Horwitz introduced Marc Friedman.   Marc is a marketing and general business guru at McMillan Doolittle LLP.     He presented: “Economic Outlook - U.S. Retail.”   Brick and Mortar stores are suffering.  The only incomes that are rising are those of the highest earners.  E-Commerce is ripping.  If you are going to stay in Brick and Mortar, you better be perceived to be the best in some way (cheapest, fastest, easiest, etc.).  Thanks, Marc.
Newscast:    Newscast Fearless Leader Who Must Be Obeyed And Treated As Infallible Fritz Brauner took the stage and rocked the place.   He made New Year’s resolutions for others.  For instance, Dennis Zell will no longer tell baseball jokes.   Fritz, meanwhile, is going to start taking performance enhancing drugs.   Fritz announced that this year Burlingame Rotary Will Not Go Hollywood.    A lot of work is not going into this event.  Flu jokes were told…bacon jokes were told…a grand time was had by everyone named Mike Kimball.  
Program and Speaker:  Mike Horwitz introduced Marc Friedman.   Marc is a marketing and general business guru at McMillan Doolittle LLP.     He presented: “Economic Outlook - U.S. Retail.”   Brick and Mortar stores are suffering.  The only incomes that are rising are those of the highest earners.  E-Commerce is ripping.  If you are going to stay in Brick and Mortar, you better be perceived to be the best in some way (cheapest, fastest, easiest, etc.).  Thanks, Marc.