Mike Horwitz detailed the fabulous evening we will have at Peninsula Golf and Country Club on October 7. Some of us will have played golf at the club during the day as well. Charlie Rosebrook reminded we are dark that day for lunch.


Mark Lucchessi got sweet-talked into this at the last minute so introduced new Rotarian Joy Huetteman who told us a little about herself. She is A Notre Dame de Namur graduate and provides accounting services to startups. She’s a runner, too!

Today’s Speaker and Program

President John introduced former Burlingame Rotarian Matt Biggar.

Matt talked about how efforts to aid the environment are all about choices on our part. Our motivation has to be there. The jury is still out for some folks whether the planet is warming at all. And, if it is warming, is it the fault of people and therefore controllable in any way?

Surely, traffic and poor air can be decreased by making personal transportation choices: Bus or bike to work two days a week? Bike every day? No use of car twice a week? Considerations are infrastructure, cost, and available auxiliary services. Again, the individual must be motivated to make the change.

Thanks, Doctor Matt; it was great hearing your vision.

Next Week’s Program: On September 30, we will hear Jeanne Smith on “Organizing your Life.” Good luck with that!