KON’NICHIWA! I sincerely hope this mean “hello” in Japanese. Google says it does. We welcomed our Japanese exchange students and the President of the Rotary Club of Edogawa and his group to our Monday lunch. They arrived on Friday the 22nd, settled in, then on Saturday, enjoyed a “welcome” pool party at the lovely home of Mark Frappier and Suzanne Jumptner. This is a good looking, happy group, so we will have much fun with them. YOKOSO! (Welcome)

Pledge & Invocation

The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 
Silver Tongue Joe Mariana simply, but eloquently, said “A perfect life is not possible without great friends.” Truly true.
Guests & Visiting Rotarians
Welcome, Edogawa Exchange Students: Nene Hasagawa, Kurumi Hamabe, Miyabi Aria, Ayame Hara. Welcome also to the exchange group leaders, Tomoyuki Morita, President of Edagawa Rotary, Tomoshisa Arai, Masayuki Yamamoto, Yuka Marubashi and Sachiyo Morita. Thanks to all Rotarians who are hosting these kids and transporting them.
President Stan introduced, for her second visit, the fabulous Dr. Barbie Barrett. Also visiting was Melinda Horwitz and her sister.
President Stan Moore expressed his pleasure and excitement in hosting this student exchange in his presidential yearMany activities and short trips are planned. They arrived on Friday  the 22nd, settled in, then on Saturday, enjoyed a “welcome” pool party at the lovely home of Mark Frappier and Suzanne Jumptner.  This is a good looking, happy group, so we will have much fun with them. Thank you to Maki Kobayashi, Peter Comarato, Rosemary Rayburn, Jim Shypertt and the rest of the Japanese Student Exchange Committee.

Speaker - Dr. Barbie Barrett

SITTING IS THE NEW SMOKING!  We asked ourselves: How many hours are we sitting? To how many toxins do we expose ourselves? Do we sleep a minimum of seven hours? Do we keep stress to a minimum? Dr. Barbie says we are dying of industrialized diseases. Our electronic devices are fun, but keeping these devices on at bedtime interferes with our falling into a restful sleep.  Our pineal gland says IT’S DAYTIME!  Our sleeping place should be dark and cool. Dr. Barbie told us to get out of our car and walk. Get rid of the television remote! Mow your lawn manually! Find stairs and use them! Know the risks to smoking!
A LOT OF US GET DEALT A GOOD DECK, THEN PLAY IT BAD! Check your consumption of industrialized toxins. The soft drink  Coke sucks the calcium out of your bones.  That’s one reason we’re shorter in our later years. Diet Coke metabolizes to formaldehyde. Yum! You need to have sex. You can figure this out for yourselves. Dr. Barbie spoke of morbidity compression. The goal is that debilitating diseases would be of a short term, immediately preceding death.  Full, healthy life until shortly before the inevitable end. Dr. Barbie introduced Dr. Andrew Jurow, M.D., M.S., Peninsula Medical Clinic, Board Certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine. Dr. Jurow stressed the importance of tracking our hormones periodically. Unfortunately nature supports you until you pro-create, then it’s through with you.  As time goes by, our systems no longer produce sufficient hormones, so supplements are important. Hormone replacement therapy includes estrogen, progesterone, growth hormone, to name a few. Thanks so much, Dr. Barbie and Dr. Jurow.  We welcome your return!!!

Happy Birthday, Charlie

                   Happy Birthday Charlie Rosebrook on Thursday!