President-Elect Doug Person called the meeting to order at 12:20. Are you already getting a jump on your term, Doug?
Where in the world is President Phil Siegle?
Al Royse led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation:Jennifer Pence talked about embracing tradition but also challenging traditions. She asked ChatGPT to write a reflection on the importance of tradition. Not bad!
Sunshine Report:Jim Shypertt reported that there is no report.
Not to be outdone, Bob Doerr reported that he and President PhilSiegle visited Mike Horwitz last week. Mike has been living at the Magnolia in Millbrae and will likely stay there.
Visiting Rotarians and Guests: Bobba Venkatadri introduced his wife, Annapurna.
Jay Miller shared that the article “Hearing is Believing” on Page 11 of this month’s Rotary magazine is worth the read.
Marc Friedman, Maki Kobayashi, and Peter Comaroto let us know that our sister club, in Edogawa, Japan, made a generous contribution of 1 million yen to our club in honor of our 100th Anniversary. That’s a lot of yen!
Marilyn Orr reported that we are oversold for the Anniversary Gala, but we will squeeze everyone in. We’ve sold close to 140 tickets.
Jerry Winges,Bob Doerr, Bobba Venkatadri, and Charlene Drummer recently visited our international projects in India. The focus of the projects is to digitize tribal schools for a 21st century education. The group had a great trip, visiting three different project sites, seeing new computer labs and other technology, and meeting lots of students. The pictures and video from the trip were really inspiring. Thank you to everyone who has helped with fundraising!
Pete Wanger introduced today’s speaker, Dr. Jeff Shapiro, a Stanford and Yale trained physician with 30 years of experience promoting good health around the Bay Area. According to his bio, Dr. Jeff has trained athletes and the public by teaching exercise physiology, nutrition physiology and reduced dependence on pills. He served as the medical director of the San Francisco Marathon, consulted for CBS 60 Minutes "The Toughest Race", co-produced "Ultra Running" for The Late Show, and lectured at Google, Merrill Lynch, SanDisk, and others.
Dr. Jeff covered a LOT of ground, but here’s a few highlights to keep us healthy:
Don’t shake hands! Touching spreads illness as your hands are full of bacteria.
Hugging is better. It reduces your own stress and blood pressure and increases the “rainbow chemicals” (dopamine, serotonin, endorphin, etc.) that make you feel happy, loved, etc.
The flu vaccine is 8% effective, but walking is 60% effective at reducing the odds of catching the flu.
Starting at age 30, we lose 1% per year of every body function; 1% per year of bone mass; 1% per year of muscle mass; and 1% per year of hormonal production, including insulin. Yikes! Exercise will help slow the aging process. It reduces the 1% loss of every organ system, increases cell repair in the body, and increases the rainbow chemicals. So, get out there and walk, run, bike, or swim. Stat!
Dr. Jeff also talked about nutrition (eat more fiber!) and decreasing our reliance on medications. Check out the Zoom link to learn more!
City Diplomacy: How San Francisco Creates Global Connections
Today, sub-national diplomacy–often called "City Diplomacy"–is a rapidly growing field. What is the motivation for cities to further international ties and how is San Francisco focusing on expanding its global ties?