High Gear Bulletin


Wednesday, DECEMBER 11, 2024

High Gear Editor: Marilyn Orr

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President Phil called the meeting to order. He then asked Bill Tiedeman to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Rabbi Jay Miller then came forward to deliver the invocation. He noted that all of us who present share something personal. Jay chose to combine his thoughts with his monthly talk on something in the Rotary Magazine. He found the article on the German Rotarian, Samantha Cristoforetti, who lived the space travel dreams of her youth, a very meaningful piece.
President-elect Doug Person offered a new challenge for those who register for our 100th Anniversary Gala. He will personally deliver a candy bar of your choice, to your home, for anyone who signs up from this date forward. This offer won’t last long so hurry and register. Use the link below.
Jennifer Pence reminded us of our Holiday Luncheon on the 18th. She informed us that there was an exciting addition. A new bakery, Dessee, owned by a former Ukrainian Rotarian, Andrii Kotsiubynskyi, will be providing wonderful pastries at this event. These are not to be missed!
Mark Johnson made a plea to the Rotarians to submit their recommendation for the Rotarian of the year in honor of Wade Macomber. The qualifications and ballots were sent to all members through ClubRunner. Mark needs them ASAP.
Now for some fun! Jeff Krolik offered us a challenging trivia contest. The questions covered a wide range of topics, politics, sports, finance, etc. The tie breaker was to name all nine of Santa’s reindeer.
Test your knowledge by going to the Zoom link to see all the questions (and maybe the answers)
Program:  Linna Golodriga introduced our speaker, Shannon Nash. Shannon is a global leader, CPA, attorney, and award-winning filmmaker. She shared her remarkable journey from law to finance, overcoming personal and professional challenges, and eventually breaking barriers in the boardroom.
Jennifer Pence led an interview with Shannon. Below are some of the questions and topics that spurred a conversation between these two.
About Your Journey
"Your career has taken so many unexpected turns—from law to accounting to finance and beyond. How did you navigate these transitions, and what lessons did you take away from each step?"
"What role did resilience play in getting through challenges like unemployment or raising an autistic child while advancing your career?"
"You’ve had to reinvent yourself multiple times. What advice would you give to someone who feels stuck in their current role or path?"
Leadership Development
"How did these varied experiences prepare you to take on your first CFO role and later board positions?"
"What do you think makes someone a well-rounded leader, and how has your journey shaped your approach to leadership?"
Diversity and OnBoard
What was the inspiration behind OnBoard? What story are you trying to tell through the film?
What was the most surprising or impactful moment during the making of the documentary?
"Why do you believe diversity in leadership, particularly on corporate boards, is so important today?"
"How do you hope OnBoard will inspire others, especially women and people of color, to seek leadership positions?" what advice do you have? How can they prepare themselves?
Community Focus
10. What brought you to the Burlingame/Hillsborough community, and what keeps you here?
11. How has living in the Bay Area shaped your perspective on leadership and innovation?
12. Are there specific ways you see organizations (like the Rotary Club) making an impact in fostering diverse leadership?
Again, to get the full program and hear the answers to the points listed above, tune into the Zoom link at the bottom of the newsletter.
President Phil closed out the meeting after thanking Shannon and presenting her with a certificate noting that Burlingame Rotary is donating five polio doses in her name.
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View entire list
Member Birthdays
Bobba Venkatadri
December 3
Christine Krolik
December 6
Phil Siegle
December 6
Cary Koh
December 16
Alan Drummer
December 22
Donna Colson
December 24
Maki Kobayashi
Yumie Kobayashi
December 2