About Burlingame Rotary
Service Above Self
"Service Above Self," our Rotary motto, is not a new idea. There is power in these words, however, and when we join together this power can be put to such amazing purpose locally, nationally and globally. Historically, Rotary has been the power behind such organizations as UNESCO, The United Nations and the campaign to eradicate the dread disease of polio with Polio Plus.
The Four Way Test
In our communities Rotary is known to be the club with much regard and respect. Presidents, Premiers, Mayors and many other leaders have been and are Rotarians worldwide. We are a part of 1.2 million men and women in over 140 countries who serve daily in their communities and businesses living by another standard we call "The Four Way Test." This test is a standard by which we can measure and judge our decisions and actions. This test is the foundation of the things we think, say or do: "Is it the truth?" "Is it fair to all concerned?" "Will it build goodwill and better friendships?" "Will it be beneficial to all concerned?"
We are looking for others to join us in pursuit of the Rotary purpose and ideals building a better world.
Our History
The Rotary Club of Burlingame, chartered on January 25th, 1925, has been in existence more than 85 of Rotary International's 100 years. We meet weekly for lunch to connect with one another in a congenial, relaxed atmosphere sharing not only a fine meal, but the experience of a fine speaker who will inform us on a variety of subjects from global politics to local schools, biotech to hi-tech or the state of our city. We are a part of a much larger organization of over 1.2 million men and women in more than 140 countries around the world. There are currently over 32,000 active Rotary clubs in the world.
Our club enriches the Burlingame community by providing considerable financial aid and extensive volunteer resources to our local students in middle school, high school, community college and traditional four-year universities. In addition, we serve our community's less fortunate citizens by underwriting many of our local non-profit organizations. Rotary also provides extensive international humanitarian projects in many underdeveloped and underserved regions of the world.
Rotarians work hard every day to make our world a better place.
Burlingame Rotary's First 75 Years (1925-2000) - Download PDF